
Mathematics is the essential component of all the progress made by mankind. It will be the defining guide of the progress that would be made in the future. When sufficiently reasoned, all intelligence would land at the door steps of mathematics. Intelligence is inbuilt into life by nature. No wonder, it could evolve from matter of certain quantized states into intelligent life forms that are craving to test the boundaries of the same nature.  

Mother “Nature” is pure in its love, affection and in its creativity. Intelligence is not built only for a privileged few. It is equally built into all. Intelligence is the power that exponentially grows as one starts using it. Hence key to all the success and development depends on the process of exponentiation of this intelligence.

Mathematics is traditionally built over time by observation, imagination and reasoning. Those observations and imaginations that could withstand the rigors of mathematical proofs became the building blocks for exploring the new vistas on the horizon.

In our pursuit of exponentiation of our intelligence, it is must that we are flawless in the process of acquiring these mathematical building blocks. Understanding these building blocks called concepts in their original form is of utmost importance. Practicing the mathematical skills in solving problems would set the tone and tenor of a successful career. Mathematics is built on logic and hence develops life-saving skills when the worst is encountered.

We at “JADE Academy” would carefully nurture these concepts for one and all by normalizing the skillsets of incumbents. Students would be made to appreciate a concept in its historical context and the rigors of proofs. Students would then be taught to practice the concepts by solving the problems. It will build self-confidence, attitude and personality.